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DCO is an association in which companies, freelancers and organizations participate with the aim of providing support and clear guidelines for the production of organic cosmetics, so that the associated manufacturing companies can offer cosmetics produced in compliance man, the environment while protecting the dignity of workers and the rights of consumers.

Why was DCO born?
DCO was created to meet the needs of all those small and medium-sized enterprises that need precise and safe guidelines for the production of organic cosmetics, which meet the needs of the final consumer but at the same time are economically convenient.

About 20 years ago, when the production of organic cosmetics was still in its infancy, 4 small producers, with the idea of ​​a sustainable and supportive economy model and with the desire to self-regulate, created DCO in order to have an always updated STANDARD for the production of organic cosmetics and at the same time not bear the cost of a certification carried out by third parties who often have only profit interests.

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