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We believe that the production of organic cosmetics should not be for an elite of companies, but that small and medium-sized producers can and have the right to provide their customers with healthy and top quality products. In the current..


We believe that producing "Organic" is a mission, a difficult mission, but at the same time it is the only way to a sustainable world. Our core values are respect for and safeguarding health and the environment, sustainability and biodiversity.


Our associates have at their disposal a disciplinary, technicians and experts who can help them in the various stages of studying a cosmetic product. In particular, DCO also provides a set of guidelines for the production....


DCO is an association in which companies, freelancers and organizations participate with the aim of providing support and clear guidelines for the production of organic cosmetics, so that the associated manufacturing companies can offer cosmetics produced in compliance man, the environment while protecting the dignity of workers and the rights of consumers......

Who we are
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